Mad Max and Road Warrior Style Gear

Mad Max and Road Warrior Armours Weapons and Accessories

Customize your jacket Mad Max and Road Warrior Style.

Street Armor It Brother! (Amimal is now dead)
brotherstreet armor jacket worn by famous wwe pro wrestler road warrior from the legion of doom

Mad Max Style Shoulder Armor
mad max shoulder armormad max leather jacket
For attaching directly to leather jacket.
Must pierce holes in jacket obviously.
Available with pre drilled holes or no holes.
You can attach with as little as 2 or 4 rivets.ABS
Shown with 8 rivets (see below) head screws for each.
ABS SARA422 $25.00 pair

Rivet head screws
Add quantity desired to cart. price is per pair (2). SARARSCR1 $1.50 pr

mad max shoulder armor
Mad Max 1 Shoulder Armor Vintage
Semi-gloss black.
Just like from the movie Mad Max. These are the same style
Have to attach yourself comes with 4 small rivets with push on retainers included price is per pair (2).temp out of stock.
SARA423 $20.00 pr

Black or Stainles Steel Upper Arm and Riser Armor.
black steel arm armour stainless steel arm armour
Attach to jacket with 4 rivet screws
just poke holes thru the pre drilled holes.
Insert rivets and hand tighten.
black or stainless
SASA421 $20.00 each

Black or Stainless Steel Risers.
black steel riser cuff armour stainless steel riser cuff armour
Attach to jacket with 4 rivet screws
just poke holes thru the pre drilled holes.
Insert rivets and hand tighten.
black or stainless. They dont go all the way around to clear zipper.
SASA422 $15.00 each 5 inches high

Mad Max Road warrior style shoulder armor.
road warrior shoulder armor
pair shoulder armor attach to your leather jacket
comes with 3 screw rivets each for easy installation.
just poke holes thru the pre drilled holes.
Insert rivets and hand tighten.
SASA7116 $20.00

Road Warrior Shoulder Armor
Road Warrior Style Shoulder Armor
For attaching directly to leather jacket.
Taken from used shoulder pads. Armor has monor wear marks
Must pierce holes in jacket obviously.
Attached to a leather pad.
Comes with 3 rivets head screws.
SARA424 $30.00 out of stock

Road Warrior Style Leg Brace
Drop an email if interested. About 150 bux aluminum.
leg brace roadwarrior mad max

Street Armor Jackets Road Warrior Style.
road warrior jacketsroad warrior leather jackets

Left or Right Leather Plate Shoulder Armour.
leather shoulder armour with straps leather streetarmor jacket
Example:Installed removeable armor shown on a leather biker jacket.
Armor snaps on to existing jacket snaps and has around arm strap.

Black Leather Shoulder Armor
State right or left when ordering.
Attach to jacket with 3 optional rivet screws with under arm strap.

Or option with strap that goes from armour the across back
under opposite arm and hooks in the front.
This option is meant for wearing over a shirt skin etc. Like gladiator shoulder armour.
Choose right or left and mounting style when ordering.
SASA293 $75.00